While Desiderata proclaimed that you are a “child of the universe,” Deteriorata said you are a “fluke of the universe.”Continue Reading
Year: 2020
One thing we did know was that liberals had all the best songs. Think about it: even today, can you name a popular song [other than country] that has conservative lyrics?Continue Reading
My favorite movie is a 1951 black and white picture called “The Day the Earth Stood Still.” It’s always been my favorite -- from the time I saw it as a child on NBC’s original “Saturday Night at the Movies.” Continue Reading
I had the chance to do what millions of Americans and other visitors to our nation’s capital have done: tour the great monuments of Washington, D.C.Continue Reading
The great Steve Ditko passed away on June 29, 2018. So far, no conservative creator has emerged to take his place in the world of comic book superheroes.Continue Reading
Carl Barks now belongs to the ages and even crusty old Uncle Scrooge is shedding a tear.Continue Reading
Clayton Moore was 85 years old, and for most of those years, he WAS the Lone Ranger.Continue Reading
Whether we’re talking about great theological works or newspaper columns that first establishing paragraph is most important.Continue Reading
Nineteen tantalizing tales of Suspense, Fantasy and Science Fiction available now for pre-order.Continue Reading
You need to sit down and tell me — if you want me to hate Trump as you do — how we will be better off as a country and as conservatives with a Biden presidency. I’m not seeing it. I’m seeing a terrible situation in the country if Biden wins.Continue Reading