Sessions and Barr No Different Jeff Sessions was Attorney General for 637 days. Today marks William Barr’s 500th day on the job. Aside from Sessions’ decision to recuse himself from the job, there is little to no difference between either man. Sessions never indicted one Deep State Continue Reading
Year: 2020
Have you ever considered what the world would be like if “Imagine” came true? It’s not a very pretty picture, actually.Continue Reading
By Julie Sullivan -- I’ve never seen so many deaths, bodies stacked like Jenga pieces in refrigerated tractor-trailers.Continue Reading
Black Lives Matter has taken over the area around St. John’s Church and has turned it into a ghetto.Continue Reading
Evidence Warranted Prosecutions a Year Ago CORRECTION: The “James Baker” referred to by Flynn Attorney Sidney Powell is NOT the former general counsel for the FBI. Instead, it is Department of Defense official, James Baker, who is head of Office of Net Assessment. Former FBI general Continue Reading
Our leadership has melted in the face of the madding crowd. Other than Donald Trump, few leaders have taken a stand. Continue Reading
By Donna Garner Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy called for White Christians to repent for racism saying, “We’re shameful.” He said Whites should not condemn the behavior of destroying others’ property. Instead, he said, they should have empathy for the underlying frustration. Remember the ancient Continue Reading
You can scan the headlines and quickly see the left-wing bias, the solidarity with Black Lives Matter, and the unabashed hatred of President Donald Trump.Continue Reading
The Nuremberg Defense Put simply, criminals use the Nuremberg Defense to justify their crimes by stating they were just following orders. Many of the 199 Nazi defendants employed it after World War II, at the Nuremberg Trials. It didn’t work. Hitler allegedly committed suicide as other Continue Reading
There is a kind of privilege that is unprecedented since the Civil war was fought to end slavery.Continue Reading