[W]hat about the so-called journalists at ProPublica, the left-wing outfit that’s written articles smearing Thomas? Continue Reading
Year: 2023
The upcoming school choice lege session might offer new opportunity in resolving the school library sexually explicit book battle. Continue Reading
The federal government has scheduled a national warning test for Oct. 4, but how truly might this system be used?Continue Reading
America is being invaded, and it’s happening because Joe Biden wants it to happen. The fact that the Democrats and the media lie about constantly does not change that fact.Continue Reading
The main subject was war in Ukraine, but we also talked about Joe Biden at the United Nations, immigration and refugee issues, and Donald Trump. Continue Reading
Are Bell County House Republicans helping to turn Texas blue?Continue Reading
Parents are the front line defense in monitoring sexually explicit content in Texas school libraries.Continue Reading
If you’re a smart Democrat, you can see as well as anyone else what Joe Biden has done to this country. Continue Reading
I’m tired of people throwing rocks, starting fires, and tearing up other’s people’s stuff and getting away with it.Continue Reading
As China prepares for a U.S. kinetic war, how about those Chinese military age men illegally entering our country?Continue Reading