Media hype over JD Vance conveniently forgets about Kamala Harris


Kamala’s T-shirt, made to go on sale with her 2019 debate snipe at Joe Biden

Donald Trump names Ohio senator JD Vance as his running mate and the media has a field day.  I woke up to a long segment on MSNBC detailing all these nasty things that Vance said about Trump – stuff like he’d write in his dog’s name rather than vote for The Donald.

And, in private, Vance is said to have made the Hitler comparison.

But so far, I’ve not seen much on either left-wing Network, MSNBC, or CNN about the 2019 debate – hosted by Trump hater Rachel Maddow, in which Senator Kamala Harris stated that Joe Biden was not a racist, and then proceeded to label him as one.

It was about a little girl in California who rode a bus that Biden had opposed.  Kamala told America that she was that little girl as Biden frowned on a split screen.  Yet Biden chose her as his running mate.

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That’s what we call politics.

Please don’t try to tell me that MSNBC’s Morning Joe crew and avowed Trump hater Jim Acosta on CNN don’t remember that debate, and how Harris even had prepared t-shirts saying “That little girl was me.”  Of course they remember, but just as some people think we have a two-tiered justice system where Trump gets convicted and Hillary Clinton gets a free pass, so we have a double system when it comes to media coverage.

RELATED:  With Biden struggling, will Democrats turn to Hillary Clinton? 

In this more “unified’ country following the attempted assassination on Donald Trump, we still have politics, and we still have newspapers like the New York Times and the Washington Post that are going to oppose Trump, and they will do it with great fervor.

That’s not what bothers me.  What bothers me is that they imply that Trump’s selection of Vance is the first of its kind.  It’s not.

Before Biden chose Karris, JFK chose Lyndon Johnson.

I was ten years old in 1960, and just starting to following politics just a little bit.  Texas wasn’t a solid Republican state back then, and John F. Kennedy needed the state to win against Richard Nixon.  Much is made of Kennedy’s heroics on the PT109, and rightly so, and how the first televised debate swayed some voters to his side.

But there was also the fact that he needed Lyndon Johnson to deliver Texas, and that the two of them were not particularly friends.  Johnson accepted and bumper stickers and pins used the slogan:

“The Ticket for Texans”

Of course, the ploy worked, and Kennedy was elected and Johnson became President on November 22, 1963 following Kennedy’s assassination.   We almost saw a repeat of that tragedy, except for the fortunate turn of Trump’s head

Of course, Barry Goldwater had little chance of beating LBJ in 1964, because of the assassination.  Some people think that dynamic will work to Trump’s advantage in November, but not if the media can help it.

RELATED: The Undistinguished Political Career of Joe Biden Comes to an Undistinguished End 

I’m not opposed to media pointing out JD Vance’s intemperate comments about Trump.

I’ve read Vance’s book, Hillbilly Elegy, and enjoyed it, although there were obvious signs in the book of Vance’s early political leanings that were sometimes less than conservative – and, he has an Ivy league degree – that, in all fairness, was considered a good thing at the time.

Hillbilly Elegy, JD Vance’s 2016 memoir that made him famous.

My beef is that MSNBC and CNN make out like two political enemies within a party never get together – until now.  It’s BS of the highest degree.  Show the Vance clips and then show the Harris clips – as we do in this column.

If you can’t be honest, then take a show off the air – as NBC did with the Morning Joe, fearful that the cast would say something really stupid following the attempt of Trumps’ life.  Oh, and right after what would have been the Morning Joe on the Monday after, MSNBC soon returned to its left-wing day-to-day commentary that makes conversatives want to hurl.  Most of us don’t; we just change channels.

RELATED:  Democrats and Left-Wing Media Clamor for More Abortions 

Can we be unified and run a presidential campaign?

Not likely.  Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis were emphatic at the GOP convention about their support for Trump.  But contrast that with their rhetoric when the primaries were still in full swing.

Politics has been called the art of compromise.  But at the party level, it’s the art of hating your opponents until you’re edged out – and then (as Kamala Harris did – and JD Vance), latching on to the coattails of the eventual nominee to get a prime position and advance your own career.

In order to win, you have to make your opponent look bad and yourself look good.  That’s not going to stop, nor should it.  Should the border be open as Biden believes?  Or should it be secure as Trump believes?  The candidates must make the contrast, or there is no campaign.  But the Hitler comparisons might be better to stop with.

Here’s the deal I’d make:

If Biden and the Democrats will stop repeating the nonsense that Trump will destroy “Our Democracy,” I’d agree to stop calling Biden “Sleepy Joe.”  A campaign based on issues would be most interesting –and welcome!

Lynn Woolley is a Texas-based author, broadcaster, and songwriter.  Follow his podcast at  Check out his author’s page at

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Can we become unified that we all should buy this book?

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