A special book offer for those readers who use Venmo

The three fiction books by Lynn Woolley

This is a special offer those who have Venmo. From now through next weekend, I’m offering copies of my three fiction books at my cost. Offer ends Sunday, July 28.

The idea is to get the books to more readers at a good price, and to urge you to post reviews at sites such as Amazon.com!  I think you’ll enjoy them if you give them a try.
Prices include sales tax and shipping.
This is a two step process:
Step 1: Email me at lwoolley9189@gmail.com and specify which books you want and if you want them signed. Include your mailing address.
Step 2: Venmo the amount of the sale to me. My Venmo handle is @LynnWoolley. Please enter “Offer” in the memo field.

Scan this code with your Venmo app.

1 book – $12
2 books – $19
3 books – $25
Thank you! And please leave a review on Amazon once you’ve read the books!

Lynn Woolley is a Texas-based author, broadcaster, and songwriter.  Follow his podcast at https://www.PlanetLogic.us




Check out his author’s page at https://www.Amazon.com/author/lynnwoolley


Order books direct from Lynn at https://PlanetLogicPress.Square.Site


Email Lynn at lwoolley9189@gmail.com.






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