Democrat Fixations Aim to Keep Trump Out of Power

Do you get the urge to throw something at the TV when Democrats bring up January 6th?  Sure, it happened, and it wasn’t good, but Democrats have seized on it to the point of absurdity.  Biden’s Afghanistan Withdrawal was far worse, but Republicans never fixated on it.

By contrast, the Capitol Breach has become a virtual holiday for Democrats that we call Januarysixthmas. 

They also fixate on so-called “reproductive rights,” a pleasant name for killing unborn children.

And lately they attack Donald Trump ad infinitum on a Heritage Foundation report called Project 2025.  They never say what it is, but they rag on it constantly.  Republicans ought to fixate on it as well.  Project 2025, if implemented, would make America great again.

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History will exonerate the protesters of January 6th.

Right now, Democrats write the history of America.  But even the media and the education establishment cannot change actual facts.  What happened on January 6th at the U.S. Capitol was unfortunate and over-the-top, but the people who protested (without being armed we should note) believed the election was stolen.  Donald Trump – defeated by a demented Joe Biden who was a compromise candidate and who was stuck in a basement during the campaign, wins with 81,000,000 votes? I didn’t believe it then, and certainly not now.  The whole idea was ridiculous, and the only way it happened was through fraud.

Video:  Biden called his disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal an “extraordinary success,” while ragging constantly on January 6th.  On the first anniversary, he devoted a speech to J6.

We have known for a long time that some states changed their voting rules in opposition to their own state constitutions, using the pandemic as an excuse.  Pennsylvania certainly did.  We know that Democrats used the practice of harvesting mail-in ballots.  We know that election fraud was rampant even in Harris County, Texas.  We know that photo-IDs were not required in parts of the country.  We know that the Mainstream Media shilled for Joe Biden and suppressed negative stories such as the Hunter Biden laptop.  We know that 51 current and former members of the Intelligence Community signed a letter that the laptop story was “Russian disinformation.”

RELATED: ABC’s Jonathan Karl is only the latest Journalist to shill for Democrats 

More recently, we’ve learned that the Joe Biden administration operated a virtual “Ministry of Truth” censorship scheme to block conservative posts on social media like Facebook.  Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted it in a letter to Congress.  So, yes, the election was tampered with on many levels and essentially was stolen.  And yet, the Democrats are fixated on January 6th – an event that ought not to have happened, but the election fraud that precipitated it also ought not to have happened.

What the hell is “reproductive rights?”

 Here’s how I see it:  This high-sounding name means that a woman who becomes pregnant for any reason, but who finds her pregnancy to be inconvenient, can make the sole decision (without the father’s input) to have her own baby destroyed prior to birth.

I think it’s the shame of America.   The Left is fine with killing unborn children who would grow up to be part of the workforce, and substitutes millions of illegal immigrants to take their place.  Shame on them.

Video:  Shrill and savage, Kamala Harris promotes the destruction of human life.

And yet they harp on young females, who have every right to not get pregnant in the first place, that killing their unborn babies is a right.  They never use harsh words like:  kill, destroy, or murder.  They soften the language with terms like “reproductive health care.”  Of course, that “care” results in the child’s death.

RELATED: Democrats and Left-Wing Media Clamor for More Abortions 

America could have a serious, logical conversation about rape, incest and life of the mother.  But that’s not possible because it might take away a Democrat fixation that they think helps them cling to power, and that’s what this is all about.

Have you noticed that Democrats NEVER explain what project 2025 is while they’re fixating on it?

They can’t go into the details, because Project 2025 exposes them for what they are.   Project 2025 is a document put together by many of the country finest conservative minds, spearheaded by my friend Kevin Roberts at the Heritage Foundation.  It seeks to head off some of the mistakes that President Trump made in his first term and creates a blueprint for a second Trump administration to run more smoothly and to restore the greatness of America.

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The Democrats are fixated on it because of two reasons.  First, they need a boogeyman to attack, given that Trump’s first term was prosperous for America.  Second, they fear it because it exposes the danger of left-wing governance.

You can go the source and read about Project 2025 on its own dedicated website.

From that site, here is what the Project is and aims to do:

Project 2025 is a historic movement, brought together by over 100 respected organizations from across the conservative movement, to take down the Deep State and return the government to the people. Its Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise, published in April 2023, is a product of more than 400 scholars and policy experts from around the country. The book offers a menu of policy suggestions to meet our country’s deepest challenges and put America back on track…

And here’s a bullet list – an item-by-item outline of specific goals for the next Trump administration to accomplish:

  • Secure the border, finish building the wall, and deport illegal aliens
  • De-weaponize the Federal Government by increasing accountability and oversight of the FBI and DOJ
  • Unleash American energy production to reduce energy prices
  • Cut the growth of government spending to reduce inflation
  • Make federal bureaucrats more accountable to the democratically elected President and Congress
  • Improve education by moving control and funding of education from DC bureaucrats directly to parents and state and local governments
  • Ban biological males from competing in women’s sports

This is what the Democrats are fixated on:  a return to sanity in government with the people more in control.  Democrats can’t have that!  They are all about Central Planning, otherwise known as Communism.  Kamala Harris knows best and she will expand Joe Biden’s policies to decide how you run your life and what car you can drive.

Video:  MSNBC really doesn’t like Project 2025.  They ganged up on Kevin Roberts.

Project 2025 seeks to repair the damage that four years of Biden and previous left-wing administrations have wreaked on our country.  Democrats are offering yet more of the same, and Harris could serve for 8 years.

Project 2025 is commonsense governance.   Trump would do well to embrace it and use it as a weapon against the Harris campaign.  Explaining it would take away the mystery and might end the Democrat fixation.  Besides, if Trump is elected, he will need this type of plan, and Project 2025 is a good one – likely the best he could find.  It would help him get past his own ego and run the country as it ought to be run.

Democrat fixations like January 6th, reproductive rights, and Project 2025 are smokescreens designed to hide their own terrible agenda.  It’s time that conservatives step up and challenge Harris and her allies in the media on these issues.  We should be fixated on the truth, because it’s on our side.

Lynn Woolley is a Texas-based author, broadcaster, and songwriter.  Follow his podcast at  Check out his author’s page at

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