The Hunter Biden Laptop becomes a Universal Symbol of Media Corruption

“Laptop From Hell” by Miranda Divine

It’s not just the laptop that’s remembered four years after it was first reported in the New York Post.  Essentially, the story is a three-legged stool with two of the legs being the Biden administration and the Mainstream Media – and the third leg being the truth.

The idea that the so-called “Laptop from Hell” was Russian disinformation is considered by some as Joe Biden’s biggest lie. 

It’s certainly up there with his claim that the Afghanistan Withdrawal was an “extraordinary success.”  The laptop story was ridiculed by the left-wing networks and suppressed on social media.  The fact that it was true, and was devastating to the Joe Biden narrative never mattered to the media.

Biden was their guy and they hated Donald Trump.  Those were the only two things that mattered.

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Two major questions are still unanswered four years later. 

The first question is unanswerable:  If the laptop story had been reported as it ought to have been, would Joe Biden have lost the election to Donald Trump?  We can only imagine what might have happed with an honest press.  Biden might have been elected anyway; he might not have.

The other question is simpler to answer:  Will anyone pay a price for lying about the laptop?  Oh, hell no.

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Remember, all the deniers were on the far left.   They included members of the Biden administration which as Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, 51 current and former members of the Intelligence Community who signed a letter, and big-shot “journalists” like CBS’s Leslie Stahl, who claimed during a 60 Minutes interview with Donald Trump that the laptop could not be verified.

Video:  This gets contentious at the 13:20 mark when Stahl disputes everything Trumps says.

There were entire networks that denied the story – pretty all of the usual suspects like ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN.  Facebook and Twitter suppressed it.

And yet, it was true.  All of it.  Yes, Hunter Biden dropped the computer off at a repair shop.  Yes, it was chock full of lurid information and videos – some of them involving drug use and sex.  Imagine if that had been Donald Trump’s laptop.

But it was Hunter Biden’s laptop, and that made the story of the year not a story at all.

I want you to understand what I’m saying.  The laptop story was HUGE in all caps.  The only problem was that Joe Biden was the media darling that was set to topple Donald Trump.  Members of the IC that hated Trump were willing to sign a letter with a bogus claim that it “had all the earmarks of Russian disinformation.”  Member of the Mainstream Media were too keen on beating Trump to report actual news, and they were willing to let their reputations go to hell rather than report the story.

The media never learns.  CBS’s Dan Rather lost his job trying to smear George W. Bush over his military record.  But Leslie Stahl from that same network pulled the same stunt in reverse.  Bush gets reported on (and it turns out to have been fabricated), and Hunter Biden does not get reported on (and it turns out to be true).  CBS’s problem with Rather moved on to Stahl and now to CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell and Face the Nation host Margaret Brennan, both of whom embarrassed the network as debate moderators.

RELATED: ABC News has a George Stephanopoulos problem

And we’ve written in this space about ABC News and its problems with David Muir, Linsey Davis, Jonathan Karl, Martha Raddatz, and the “Face of ABC News,” former Clinton War Room smear-monger George Stephanopoulos.

Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana has never forgotten.

Sen. Kennedy, who has a way of getting to the nitty gritty with his verbiage, contends to this day that the Hunter Biden Laptop Lie is the biggest twisting of the truth to come out of the Biden White House.  And remember, Joe Biden claimed that cannibals ate his uncle.

Video: John Kennedy Grills FBI Director Wray About Hunter Biden Laptop Story

Joe Biden’s lies could be humorous, as in the case of his adventures with Corn Pop. But as President, his lies could be very dangerous as with the aftermath of the Afghanistan Withdrawal, or the lie inherent in the name of the Inflation Reduction Act.

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At this point, it looks like Joe Biden got a nice push into the presidency, some of those 51 signatories of the infamous letter kept their network contributor deals, and no member of the Mainstream Media was fired for pushing the false narrative.  Elon Musk bought Twitter and renamed it X.  That may be all we got out of this, but that’s not nothing.

Then, there’s this:  When you hear something political coming out of the Intelligence Community, or you hear on CBS News or ABC News that Donald Trump “falsely claimed” something or other – remember the Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell.  They all lied to us.  They knew they were lying.  They did it on purpose to help Joe Biden get elected. That is their legacy.

Lynn Woolley is a Texas-based author, broadcaster, and songwriter.  Follow his podcast at  Check out his author’s page at

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