Biden Polling: How Low Can Joe Go?

While today’s turbulent political and economic landscape portend the formation of new and growing storm clouds, Joe Biden’s poll numbers suggest Americans aren’t expecting silver linings to emanate from a presidential tenure ranging anywhere from underwhelming to abject failure.

Americans’ lack of confidence in the current White House occupant was dramatically evidenced by a recent ABC News/Ipsos poll that sampled the American general population (ages 18+) on Jan. 28 – 29, 2022. A total of 510 adults were interviewed.

In a close look, the last five months have seen approval numbers generally decrease while disapproval numbers increased when asked about Biden’s handling of the economic recovery, gun violence, crime and rebuilding U.S. infrastructure.

In the situation with Russia and Ukraine, 41% approve while 56% disapprove with 3% having skipped the question. Responses on inflation have remained steady for the last two months with 29% approving, 69% disapproving and 2% skipping the question.

When asked if they “support or oppose sending U.S. troops into Eastern Europe to try to discourage a Russian invasion of Ukraine?”, 29% of respondents support the move, 38% oppose and 32% don’t know.

On if they “think that U.S. Supreme Court justices rule mainly on the basis of the law or mainly on the basis of their partisan political views?”, 38% said on the basis of the law, 43% on the basis of partisan political views, 18% said they don’t know and 1% skipped the question.

And on how to fill the opening on the U.S. Supreme Court, 76% said Biden should “consider all possible nominees” while 23% said he should “consider only nominees who are Black women, as he has pledged to do.”

The final question was perhaps the most stark insight into the general population’s thinking.

Photo by Lou Ann Anderson for WB Daily.

Polling results can be wide (and manipulated) based on numerous factors, but none seem to bode well for Biden. Real Clear Politics maintains a good overview of various polls and the approval gap seems only to grow – and not in a positive direction for the left.

If the Biden-created political and economic storm clouds are a “return to normalcy,” many Americans might happily return to the chaos and drama of a Trump presidency any time, any day.

Lou Ann Anderson worked in central Texas talk radio as both a host and producer and currently hosts Political Pursuits: The Podcast. Her tenure as Watchdog Wire–Texas editor involved covering state news and coordinating the site’s citizen journalist network. As a past Policy Analyst with Americans for Prosperity–Texas, Lou Ann wrote and spoke on a variety of issues including the growing issue of probate abuse in which wills, trusts, guardianships and powers of attorney are used to loot assets from intended heirs or beneficiaries.

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