We may have misinterpreted the usage of the word “king.” We were thinking only of King Herod – but some at that manger scene are referring to the baby as a king.Continue Reading
[Chris] Wallace is going to be the centerpiece of a CNN effort to discredit FOX News as "radicalized."Continue Reading
Maybe this is a turning point for CNN. Maybe now that the Chris Cuomo firing is a done deal, the network can rehabilitate itself by broadcasting truth.Continue Reading
Our colleges and universities have been centers of censorship and Marxism for decades.Continue Reading
[They] created the greatest document of governance known to humankind – the Constitution of the United States of America.Continue Reading
By Lou Ann Anderson: In the past, culture was the driver of art. Today, however, art often seems to be driving culture – perhaps driving it into the ground.Continue Reading
Public schools are instruments of the Left, they are consumed with race, and they want total control of your kids.Continue Reading
The fiber that holds together any nation will fall apart without a system of law and order that treats everyone the same.Continue Reading
Just as the U.S. Military is run by civilians, our schools ought to the run by people outside the education establishment.Continue Reading
We drop our kids off at school in the morning without a thought as to what they might be taught. Continue Reading