The five Big Tech companies that have control over our lives are now more powerful than the federal government. IContinue Reading
CNN and the other anti-Trump media have gone into hysterics about it, and have twisted themselves into pretzels in the process.Continue Reading
Whether it ends up being credit or blame, it’s all theirs. I suspect they will take this country straight to Hell. Continue Reading
None of this would matter if we cancelled slavery. We could simply erase it from our history books! Forget it ever happened!Continue Reading
If Biden makes it to January 20th, we’ll be installing an administration from a party that believes America is an evil nation, born in sin, and that must be radically changed.Continue Reading
After all these years, my best guess is that the “they” in my song – the Warren Commission – was right. It probably was one man.Continue Reading
Since government cannot control media, the people will have to reform the system. Continue Reading
Trump is not defending the white way of life. He is defending the American way of life.Continue Reading
In the world of academics, if you’re not a victim, then you’re a racist. Even so, colleges like money more than they like diversity.Continue Reading
If Trump wins, CNN must regroup. AT&T must take a look at Jeff Zucker, CNN’s CEO who uses the network to advance his own political views.Continue Reading