By Donna Garner Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy called for White Christians to repent for racism saying, “We’re shameful.” He said Whites should not condemn the behavior of destroying others’ property. Instead, he said, they should have empathy for the underlying frustration. Remember the ancient Continue Reading
You can scan the headlines and quickly see the left-wing bias, the solidarity with Black Lives Matter, and the unabashed hatred of President Donald Trump.Continue Reading
There is a kind of privilege that is unprecedented since the Civil war was fought to end slavery.Continue Reading
Mr. Timpa died at the Hands of Dallas police in a similar fashion to the death of George Floyd.Continue Reading
It’s gut wrenching to see all the destruction, but also the pain that triggered this. Continue Reading
The more violence we see in streets, the better the left-wing media likes it. They want us to hate each other over race – and they’re getting their way. This is how nations collapse.Continue Reading
It’s not what’s illegal in Washington that matters most. It’s what’s legal.Continue Reading
The Saturday protests in Austin were peaceful at first, but got testier as the day wore on.Continue Reading
An Associated Press sports reporter by the name of Pat Eaton-Robb casually tossed in the word cisgender in a story about Connecticut’s transgender policy for high school students.Continue Reading
Of the two things that we must do in this country, weeding out bad cops is at the head of the list.Continue Reading