I want every single statue that the woke mob tore down to be reinstated. Continue Reading
Tapper knows that he was part of the cover-up, and yes, he’s shameless to write this book, but he doesn’t care.Continue Reading
Putin is among the most brutal, conscience-free murderers that ever walked on Earth. That’s an irrefutable fact that President Trump and all Americans should keep in mind.Continue Reading
The odd thing is how Democrats focus on climate change, which is naturally occurring, and have no problem with spending the country into oblivion. Continue Reading
Frankly, it’s what I voted for. I wanted a junkyard dog to lay waste to a bloated, ineffective government that needed a severe overhaul.Continue Reading
[T]here is something I’m missing as human beings are being diminished and robots and automation take over. And that’s customer service. Continue Reading
Based on original intent, there is no doubt and no reasonable argument that birthright citizenship can and likely should be denied to the children of people who have entered the United States against our laws...Continue Reading
They might have beaten Trump had they stayed with facts. They didn’t, and the rest is history.Continue Reading
I say do away with confirmation hearings. Kill ‘em dead. They’re useless, except for providing the voting public with an opportunity to see what real jackasses are like.Continue Reading
Whether it’s war or spending, or borders, or forest management in California, why is it that the Left cannot learn from the past?Continue Reading