If the anti-tolerant, Marxist Left wants to destroy the greatest nation on Earth, taking over medical schools is a damn good strategy.Continue Reading
“Do unto others” seems a concept absent from school and other local government bond elections.Continue Reading
Local governments seek convincing voters to take on new debt (i.e., higher taxes) ostensibly "for the good" of the community. But is that always the case?Continue Reading
School administrators struggle as the days of voters “rubber stamping” bond elections are over.Continue Reading
Most stuff Democrats worship as truth are worshiped by most Democrats.Continue Reading
The Bell County Republican Party is urging a “no” vote for both propositions in the May 7 Belton ISD bond election. Continue Reading
Will Texas voters reward school districts that support state and national school board organizations that just months ago asked the federal government to peg individuals questioning district policies or officials as “domestic terrorists?” As the May 7 local government elections approach, will districts’ apparent agreement with this view be rewarded via passage of new bond Continue Reading
Irony as the votes of potential "domestic terrorist" parents are now sought for approving school bond elections. Continue Reading
When it comes to lying, the government and the media could each do a greatest hits album in multiple volumes.Continue Reading
School bonds were the topic when Lou Ann Anderson joined Cardle & Woolley host Lynn Woolley and guest host Matt Mackowiak.Continue Reading