Those of us who believe in traditional American values are no longer revered. We are reviled.Continue Reading
Political correctness on college campuses didn't cut it with Gov. Ronald Reagan!Continue Reading
The idea ... is to label the event an “armed insurrection” and use it to ... smear anyone who ever supported Trump as a white supremacist.Continue Reading
If it’s not Trump, I would consider Tucker Carlson. Non-politician politicians strike me as far better qualified.Continue Reading
Does anybody rush to the TV when Joe Biden speaks? Not likely. But Trump is a master orator.Continue Reading
Instead of MAGA – Biden is giving us MAMA – Make America Miserable Again.Continue Reading
Excuse me, but I’ll hang in there with Ted Cruz who caused no deaths and never told you not to leave town.Continue Reading
With the exception of my father, Rush Limbaugh is the man who had the most impact on my life.Continue Reading
The very idea that constitutional rights such as freedom of speech could apply to someone they hate as much as Trump was anathema to CNN.Continue Reading
Tamir Rice should be alive today and Trump ought to the president.Continue Reading