As Durham Case Wraps Up Without Indictments, Deep State will have Another Ongoing Investigation Attorney General William Barr has opened a new investigation into Deep State crimes. U.S. Attorney John Bash will lead it. Barr has tasked Bash with investigating the matter of Obama administration Continue Reading
An Associated Press sports reporter by the name of Pat Eaton-Robb casually tossed in the word cisgender in a story about Connecticut’s transgender policy for high school students.Continue Reading
Of the two things that we must do in this country, weeding out bad cops is at the head of the list.Continue Reading
Deep State May Just Be Wounded Since May 5th, events indicate Donald Trump has found a way to beat the Deep State at its own game. He nominated a staunch conservative as Director of National Intelligence (DNI) at a time when the Acting DNI may have been worse for the Deep State agenda. Events that […]Continue Reading
From Alex Burton, I learned the joys of writing. From Nimoy’s Mr. Spock, I discovered the value of logic. Continue Reading
Judge Emmet Sullivan appears to be Colluding with the Deep StateContinue Reading
Blocker spoke from a temporary stage on the grounds of Temple’s Municipal Building to a crowd of thousands.Continue Reading
I bet Russian propaganda sites like RT or Sputnik would gladly print your upside down world article.Continue Reading
The real question is – was President Barack Obama the architect of the whole campaign to smear Donald Trump?Continue Reading
Apparently, to trustee Manning, diversity is so important that Waco should not hire someone who doesn’t look like the former superintendent.Continue Reading