Happy Birthday, John Wayne! A look at his political and social views reveals Wayne as a man ahead of his time.Continue Reading
Culture Wars
The mostly left-wing [Austin] city council is concerned that too many arrests are made involving “people of color.” Continue Reading
Tucker’s “firing” became the last in a series of recent incidents that made me rethink my approach to politics and talk show hosting.Continue Reading
You can buy a Ben Franklin half-dollar dated 1955, and you’ll pay about ten dollars – twenty times what it was worth in 1955. Continue Reading
Their success means ruin to our country. So in the name of heaven, forgive them. Then fight them like Hell!Continue Reading
All I can figure is that this book was widely circulated in the halls of academia as a roadmap on how NOT to govern.Continue Reading
[U]nderage children should not be subjected to the surgeon’s knife so that woke parents can brag about having a transgender “son” or “daughter.”Continue Reading
Belton ISD's library books, potential electioneering and unanswered questions of possible sexual misconduct allegations.Continue Reading
Churches have always existed to promote the Word of God and to encourage fallible humans to adhere to it as much as possible. Now, thousands of churches are actually promoting abortion, homosexuality, and transgenderism.Continue Reading
The Culture Killers, a new documentary, warns “the woke wars are coming to a neighborhood near you.”Continue Reading