Texas is the bulwark – the state that keeps the Democrats from electing a left-wing president in perpetuity. Continue Reading
Political Parties
The old Democrats who have magically morphed into Republicans still carry of a lot that government-first baggage. Continue Reading
There is a case to be made that Joe Biden’s attempt to hold onto the Oval Office is worse than January 6th.Continue Reading
It stands to reason that when some twenty members of Congress are octogenarians, we might have a problem.Continue Reading
If a member of Congress brings home federal money to a city, you can bet the local establishment is all for keeping him. Continue Reading
The most authoritarian thing any head-of-state can do is to see that his top opponent is not allowed to run. Continue Reading
How can Dems look at a fake document and call it credible, but dismiss what the House Oversight Committee has on Biden? Continue Reading
We talk a lot about The Swamp, but Congress is just as dirty and it needs just as much cleaning up.Continue Reading
As Republicans attempt to select the best of the remaining candidates to take on Donald Trump for the nomination, Democrats are reduced to selecting the best of the worst. Continue Reading
The extremists in America seem to flock to one party – the Democrats – and they are tearing it apart. Continue Reading