When you look at the bankruptcy of ideas in the progressive movement, you begin to understand the big rush to make radical changes.Continue Reading
Political Parties
With Biden in the White House, every devilish left-wing idea to take permanent control by the Democrats is back in play.Continue Reading
The conservative movement needs fighters – not squishes – and it’s a good thing the spineless among us are self-eliminating.Continue Reading
If it’s not Trump, I would consider Tucker Carlson. Non-politician politicians strike me as far better qualified.Continue Reading
Whether it ends up being credit or blame, it’s all theirs. I suspect they will take this country straight to Hell. Continue Reading
We have Trump now, but we won’t have him much longer even if he gets reelected. Please understand what we have and cherish it...Continue Reading
It’s not what’s illegal in Washington that matters most. It’s what’s legal.Continue Reading
Journalism is dead – but it hasn’t always been that way. As recently as October 2013, Steve Kroft ran an amazing piece of investigative journalism on CBS’s “60 Minutes.” I happened to catch it that night. And I’ve watched it many times since.Continue Reading
The Party isn’t simply wrong, or extreme; it’s gone completely nuts. However, the Party’s current trend answers a question I’ve had for a while, and assuages a fear. The question is: can the conservative movement survive in wake of Trump hatred from unified Dems as well as the left-leaning media? The fear is: will Texas turn blue and totally destroy any hopes of the Continue Reading
Democrats are fine with law breaking – always have been. It’s just that they are not fine with Donald Trump’s law breaking. In their hearts, they know he’s a hardened criminal, and they are going to get to the bottom of whatever crimes he has committed whether or not they are notated in the Mueller Report or in the Steele Dossier.Continue Reading