Joe Biden as a “Manchurian Candidate” isn't a novel topic, but what might such a candidate’s policy prescriptions look like?Continue Reading
While hands off with presidential campaigns, Joe Biden's fingerprints are all over one current election action: the prosecution of Donald Trump.Continue Reading
DeSantis’ economic plan revealed energy policy contradictory from that implemented by the governor in the Sunshine State.Continue Reading
Is sexually explicit content in Bell County public school libraries? Continue Reading
Disturbing as it is, one must wonder if America as we knew it is already gone?Continue Reading
Belton ISD's library books, potential electioneering and unanswered questions of possible sexual misconduct allegations.Continue Reading
Free thought isn't a popular concept in government institutions, especially with school district administrations.Continue Reading
Will Texas voters reward school districts that support state and national school board organizations that just months ago asked the federal government to peg individuals questioning district policies or officials as “domestic terrorists?” As the May 7 local government elections approach, will districts’ apparent agreement with this view be rewarded via passage of new bond Continue Reading
When it comes to lying, the government and the media could each do a greatest hits album in multiple volumes.Continue Reading
If we don’t want to put boots on the ground in what might amount to World War III, the best way to do that is to be prepared to put boots on the ground.Continue Reading